Sobre a Revista

The Inter-American Defense College encourages critical thinking through a frank and open debate on regional security and defense problems, challenges, and threats. Our university campus provides a space for exchanging knowledge and experiences among academics, experts, officials, and high-ranking civilians, who address current issues from a hemispheric perspective. Hemisferio was created to encourage critical analysis. Every year, our academic journal publishes works and research by our alumni, professors, and colleagues from other institutions, thus contributing to the reflection on the security and defense issues that most concern our region.

Hemisferio, the Journal of the IADC, is an open-access publication, meaning that all content is freely available to users and institutions without charge. Readers can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles and use them for any other lawful purpose without requiring prior permission from the publisher or the authors. This aligns with the principles outlined in the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access, ensuring unrestricted access to academic knowledge.

Edição Atual

v. 10 (2024): Hemisferio Volume 10
					Visualizar v. 10 (2024): Hemisferio Volume 10

En las últimas dos décadas la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha venido transformando el ámbito de defensa y seguridad con impactos tanto a nivel estratégico como operativo. Se han implementado sistemas de ciberseguridad automatizados con herramientas avanzadas para el análisis y procesamiento de datos. Esto ha permitido identificar patrones ocultos y predecir escenarios futuros con mayor precisión, al mismo tiempo que se redefinen políticas de prevención y respuesta ante amenazas complejas y diversas. En este contexto dinámico es que los artículos presentados en el décimo volumen de Hemisferio adquieren especial relevancia.

Publicado: 2024-06-30
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