A ameaça da guerra cognitiva na América: desafios e oportunidades para a cooperação interamericana.





Cognitive Warfare, Cognitive Defense, Cognition;, Hybrid Threat, American Continent


This article deals with the threat of cognitive warfare on the American Continent within the scope of hybrid threats. Through bibliographical research and case studies of cognitive warfare against national states, it was possible to outline the characteristics of this phenomenon, its objectives, strategies, and tactics. The accelerated technological evolution, the emergence of social media and the hyperconnectivity of people have shaped that type of war and Sun Tzu's thought of defeating opponents without necessarily facing them in a kinetic way. It is plausible to consider that America is already at war. The great challenge is to define how to preserve democracies without tending towards authoritarianism and restricting freedom of expression; and without succumbing to the change in people's minds. On the other hand, the threat, if well understood, can be transformed into an opportunity to integrate efforts, and establish a cognitive defense of countries and the hemisphere.

Author Biography

  • Mario Brasil do Nascimento, Inter-American Defense College

    Mario Brasil do Nascimento – Coronel veterano do Exército Brasileiro. Doutor em Relações Internacionais pela Atlantic International University, Mestre em Relações Internacionais e Resolução de Conflitos pela American Military University e Mestre em Segurança e Defesa Hemisférica pela ANEPE, Foi Aluno do CID – Classe 52 “La Mejor” em 2012 e Chefe dos Facilitadores em 2013. Atualmente, trabalha na Escola Superior de Defesa.



How to Cite

Brasil do Nascimento, Mario. 2024. “A ameaça Da Guerra Cognitiva Na América: Desafios E Oportunidades Para a cooperação Interamericana”. Hemisferio Revista Del Colegio Interamericano De Defensa 10 (1): 44-67. https://doi.org/10.59848/24.1207.HV10n3.