Análisis de las ciberacciones y la ciberorganización en la OEA
cybernetics, OASAbstract
The current globalized world has changed its form of relationship. Today, politics, investments, health and even security and defense are treated differently than they were treated 20 years ago. Critical infrastructures are increasingly vulnerable, cyber wars, in a broad sense, are increasingly innovative Cyberspace is now a major defense and security concern. With this understanding, the Organization of American States (OAS) has given greater importance to road safety issues. In this way, it instructed its Secretariat for Multidimensional Security to get involved with other organizations, such as the InterAmerican Defense Board (IADB), to promote and manage actions against this hemispheric threat. COVID-2019 emerged and the use of digital media increased exponentially, consequently, digital crimes also increased. Thus, through the Confidence- and Security-Building Measures related to cybernetics, the OAS began to prioritize regional actions as responses to the increase in those crimes. The search for resilience in responding to incidents has led the OAS, through the Cybersecurity Incident Response Team, to promote actions that mitigate the consequences of cyber aggression. A lack in this area is still the lack of a Legal Framework that, through pertinent jurisdiction, regulates and guarantees the use of the various cyber capabilities in favor of security and defense, giving legitimacy to the actions. The OAS has been working to provide adequate support to its Member States. But it is time to create new initiatives that lead to the control of actions. This analysis was based on the report of the OAS General Assembly AG/doc.5717/20, of November 13, 2020.
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